Death to toasters

1 min readJan 2, 2022

I hate toasters. They take up so much space on the counter and they do like, two things. Toast bread and toast waffles. My toaster used to toast pop-tarts but since pop-tarts doesn’t have the plain brown cinnamon anymore it doesn’t toast pop-tarts.

Just kidding I don’t have a toaster. Totally useless.

Now I have this tiny oven that flips into place when I’m done with it. It toasts so many things, but it also does more than toasting.

Before we solved all of our problems with money on something we didn’t need, I would put the toaster away. Every day my children would wake and wonder for the toaster.

They didn’t get it. They were taught by my ex that it’s fine if the toaster is on the counter. He now has his own house with a toaster on the counter. I have the expensive flippy thing and everyone is happy.

Gabby, write about the most useless thing you have.

That’s right, brave little toaster. You’re the only one I love because you WOULD MOVE OUT OF THE WAY WHEN YOU’RE DONE TOASTING! All other toasters can go to hell.

